GRANT ALL ON mirthdb.* TO IDENTIFIED BY 'demodemo' WITH GRANT OPTION Create an empty database and an user for Mirth Connect:ĬREATE DATABASE mirthdb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 Install sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-clientĢ. Switch from Derby database to MySQL serverġ. Start Mirth Connect from Manager (mcmanager), Server (mcserver) or as Service sudo. If you can not connect to server, then start it.ģ. The administrator user and password are admin and admin, change it!. Go to where you can access to Mirth Connect Server via Java App Admin console. Download and setup execution chmod +x sudo. Install sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdkġ. Mirth Connect is a project Open Source with Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1) and can be downloaded from here h ttp://Well, we will explain how to install on Ubuntu and how to switch Derby database server to MySQL server.